EnMAP Science Advisory Group (EnSAG)

It is the objective of the EnMAP Science Advisory Group (EnSAG) to support communication with the wider EnMAP science community and to ensure scientific state-of-the-art data exploitation. In this context EnSAG is dedicated to the strategic planning and management of scientific algorithm and application development other than for ground processing.

The EnSAG is constructed into two different EnSAG working groups, a validation working group and an applications working group.

Sabine Chabrillat

Sabine Chabrillat
Scientific Principal Investigator

German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)
Leibniz University Hannover (LUH)

Laura La Porta

Laura La Porta
Mission Manager

Space Agency at the DLR (DLR-RFA)

Validation Working Group

The main objective of the Validation Working Group (VWG) is to advice on the scientific and technical issues in the field of mission performance, evaluate sensor performance based on calibration results, support validation activities and ascertaining data product and quality assurance.

Martin Bachmann

Martin Bachmann

The German Remote Sensing Data Center at the DLR (DLR-DFD)

Rob Green

Rob Green

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL–NASA)

Cindy Ong

Cindy Ong

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

Jose Moreno

Jose Moreno

Uni Valencia

Luis Guanter

Luis Guanter

Technical University of Valencia

Ferran Gascon

Ferran Gascon

European Space Agency (ESA)

Raymond Kokaly

Raymond Kokaly

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) -
Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center

Application Working Group

The main objective of the Application Working Group (AWG) is to support the PI and the DLR space agency’s project management in all areas related to science exploitation such as identifying potential new fields of research, encourage cooperation on an international level and promote and expand awareness of EnMAP data by scientific publications and presentations

Astrid Bracher

Astrid Bracher

Alfred-Wegener-Institut – Helmholz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI)

Vittorio Brando

Vittorio Brando

Italian National Research Council - Institute of Marine Science (CNR - ISMAR)

Fabrizia Buongiorno

Fabrizia Buongiorno

National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology

Hannes Feilhauer

Hannes Feilhauer

University Leipzig

Tobias Hank

Tobias Hank

Ludwig-Maximilian-University München

Uta Heiden

Uta Heiden

The Remote Sensing Technology Institute at the DLR (DLR-IMF)

Patrick Hostert

Patrick Hostert

Humbold University Berlin

Matti Mõttus

Matti Mõttus

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)

Thomas Painter

Thomas Painter

Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering, University of California

Martin Schodlok

Martin Schodlok

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)

Sebastian van der Linden

Sebastian van der Linden

University of Greifswald

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