For many years there has been broad interest in airborne and spaceborne imaging spectroscopy. The international community comprises research institutes, universities, space agencies, private companies as well as data providers. This page presents two networks where the EnMAP community is strongly involved:
- Geoscience Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Technical Committee
- EARSeL’s Special Interest Group Imaging Spectroscopy
Geoscience Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Technical Committee
Geoscience Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Technical Committee (GSIS TC) provides a community of practice for all stakeholders engaged in spaceborne imaging spectroscopy with an emphasis on geoscientific applications. The mission of
GSIS TC is to share information on future spaceborne imaging spectroscopy ("hyperspectral") missions, to provide opportunities for new partnerships between national space agencies, commercial spaceborne imaging spectroscopy data providers, research institutions and the user community, and to build a knowledge base on the underpinning capabilities required for imaging spectroscopy missions in order to increase the acceptance of spaceborne imaging spectroscopy by the geoscientific community.
GSIS TC was formed as a working group on November 16/17, 2007 in Hilo, Hawaii based on an initiative by Alex Held, CSIRO, and individuals interested in the development of space-based imaging spectroscopy (hyperspectral) missions and their data utilization. In 2010, the GSIS Working Group was established as a Technical Committee of IEEE GRSS.
On a yearly basis, the GSIS chair and co-chairs organize invited sessions at IGARSS conferences informing about the status and evolution of international spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission activities and providing a platform for players and stakeholders interested in spaceborne imaging spectroscopy.
EARSeL’s Special Interest Group Imaging Spectroscopy
EARSeL’s Special Interest Group Imaging Spectroscopy (SIG-IS) is a forum for international discussion amongst remote sensing specialists working with this new Earth observation technology. SIG-IS promotes quantitative approaches in Earth observation and tries to present an integrated view of hyperspectral sensors, calibration, data evaluation and applications thus bringing together experts from universities, institutes and commercial enterprises at scientific meetings.
The main objectives of SIG-IS are:
- to introduce airborne and/or spaceborne hyperspectral imaging techniques to environmental scientists
- to familiarise scientists with technological advantages in hyperspectral remote sensing as well as new evaluation techniques
- to qualify research groups for hyperspectral data processing by means of workshops and discussion groups
- to strengthen the community's ability to apply hyperspectral data to ecological research projects.