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The Foreground Mission presents the high-priority acquisitions planned by the EnMAP mission to maximize data collection efficiency and establish a systematic time-series database. Its primary focus is Germany and Europe but it can also include other areas worldwide.

To provide an overview of EnMAP products and their capabilities, a selection of exemplary EnMAP data products is made available to the user community as representative samples of what EnMAP offers and can be downloaded without registration. Check the Data & Access section for instructions on registration, accessing the complete EnMAP archive, and planning new acquisitions.

In the framework of the EnMAP preparatory science program before launch, considerable effort was devoted to aerial flight campaigns, the simulation of EnMAP data, and the development of tools and software for data processing. A large number of hyperspectral aerial flight campaigns were carried out to support scientific application development in a wide range of environments. Many of the campaign data sets are provided to the user community in the EnMAP Campaign Portal. In addition, the data sets were the basis for EnMAP end-to-end scene simulations with the end-to-end simulation tool EeteS developed at GFZ Potsdam.

Full exploitation of the hyperspectral information content of EnMAP data requires the availability of state-of-the-art image processing tools. Therefore, the EnMAP-Box developed as part of the EnMAP preparatory science program and further developed as part of the EnMAP exploitation science program offers basic processing and visualization functionality as well as advanced approaches for image analysis in various application fields.

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