EnMAP Webinar on the application and commercialisation potential

published on February 18, 2025
  • Date and Time: 29. and 31. January 2025, 10:00 - 12:00 am.
  • Event Language: English
  • Link: Agenda

On 29th and 30th January 2025 two EnMAP Webinars took place online in order to inform the general user community about the mission characteristics and acquisition status, examples of scientific exploitation, online education material developments (HyperEDU), current EnMAP funded projects (29.01.2025), and how to get data access (EOLab data explorer, EnMAP archives), how to task new Earth Observation request (EnMAP IPS Portal), software developments for data processing and analyses (EnMAP Box demonstration) (31.01.2025). The webinars had a high resonance with >130 international participants online each day from Germany, Europe, Asia and America, and included questions & answers sessions.

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